Binging? Bible Instead...

Stop placating your boredom

What has been, it is what will be, And what has been done, it is what will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. All things are wearisome; No one can tell it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, Nor is the ear filled with hearing.

Ecclesiastes 1:8-9, NASB


Solomon had all he could ask for (…recognizing indoor plumbing and central air were a few millennia away). Riches, fame, women, authority. He had even had interactions with the glory of God, and, yet, he remained disillusioned with this world.

If we stripped this world of its systems, governance, infrastructure, and culture, our existence would simply be to eat, drink, and survive joyfully with those in our tribe—essentially what a despondent Solomon reduces life down to. All the visions and hopes we have for our lives are likely manifestations of those man-made theories and systems. We buy bigger houses than we need. We buy luxury cars we cannot afford. Even if we CAN afford them, we commit large sums of money that could be used towards the greater satisfaction of our lives through experience, charity, and daily necessities. We become a slave to debt because that’s what we are sold.

Since the pandemic has skyrocketed housing and automotive prices even higher, it is essentially concentrating wealth into the hands of corporations, through interest and liens. Our American ideal was already outpacing median salaries by 150-175% growth, and that has only been exasperated since.

What’s my point? None of it matters. Really, none of it matters. The esteem of man is fleeting. Solomon reminds us that we will all be forgotten in short order; others’ impressions of us can change or disappear in a single moment. All cars break down. All homes deteriorate. Put aside our yearning for “more” and instead, chart our own course of happiness and freedom. Regain the flexibility to work where we want, how we want, and for the reasons we want.

Let’s heed Solomon’s experience. Let’s recognize our eyes will never be satisfied, nor our ears “filled”. Put down the binging content and pick up the mighty Word of God. It is the only thing that will fill the void which the world cannot ever satisfy.

Memorizing His words

Each week, we'll string short verses of Jesus' words together. Take a moment to etch them on your heart so you can take joy in His promises for you.

Matthew 5, ESV

v3: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

v4: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven


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